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Hi all, here we are with Week 35! Alex describes how he saw God's will at work on a recent trip to Guatemala; even in the some of the most dangerous areas of the city. We have both been fortunate enough to work with the same project in Guatemala. His story resonates with me because I also remember being struck (whilst at a church service) in Guatemala how God is the same the world over. May we all continue to see and seek God's will!


In Alex's words...

I recently travelled to Guatemala to spend time with some family. I lived in Guatemala City throughout 2020 and decided to check in with some old projects which I used to support. One of these was the SKD Guatemala mentoring centre located in Zone 4 near 'La Terminal' - one of the largest central markets in the world. 

A photo of Guatemala City at dusk
Guatemala City

Having first visited in 2016 this centre held a close place to my heart and I have felt God's presence here on many occasions. This visit was no different. Back in 2020 there was an established cohort of at-risk children, vulnerable to dropping out of school and developing addictions or unhealthy habits. Four years on there was a whole new group of children who I had never met with some of the old cohort now in positions of leadership and volunteering themselves!

Alex cooks a meal in a large silver saucepan.

After cooking a nutritious meal for the group of kids (sausage pasta in a tomato sauce) there was a quick devotional led by one of these volunteers. Seeing this young man who once struggled with confidence stand up in front of his peers and deliver a sharp snappy session regarding some of the 10 commandments and how they were relevant in the lives of the kids in La Terminal was truly heartwarming. He then led the group in a quick prayer and encouraged all the children to pray for a group of visiting Americans from the USA who then stood in the centre whilst the children extended their arms. 

Seeing these kids filled with hope, happiness, and an understanding that they are loved and supported was a highlight of my trip and reinforced my belief that God's will is in motion, even in dangerous and at-risk areas such as La Terminal. 

Bible verse: 1 Corinthians 13:7 - Love always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perserveres

A bible verse that resonates with the feeling of perseverance that I felt during the trip was 1 Corinthians13:7 “[Love] always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.”


Thank you all so much for reading this story about God connecting with his people. Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

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Until next time,

Name written - Laura

Photo of founder: Laura

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